Tuesday, August 2, 2011

As promised...Julie & Quentin sweater shot

Baby Quentin!

Ok so this is old news by now, but I figured I better finally make our baby boy's arrival "official" by posting about it on the Olsen blog. :)

Quentin Abbott Olsen was born on June 26th, 2011 at 8:36am! He was 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 inches long (although we think they might have miss-measured him at birth because he measured 21.5 inches at his 2 week doctor's appointment...1.5 inches in 2 weeks...maybe, but probably not). We are settling into a rhythm as a family of three now and are both absolutely "gaga" over our sweet little boy. So without boring you with more writing...time for some pictures!

Moments after birth

Proud papa!


Sweet boy

4 days old

5 weeks old

So much more alert!

Wearing a sweater my mom knit for me when I was a baby...
Clearly she changed the name for him :)

There's an almost identical picture of me wearing this sweater.
I need to scan it to post them side by side.