Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a....

Exactly one week ago, we had our 20 week anatomy scan (which is another way of saying- the ultrasound where they check to make sure everything is looking good with baby...AND tell you the gender if you want to know). I think I'll do another post about my overall impressions of the anatomy scan, but for now I think I'll just get to the gender.

Turns out, despite both Trevor and my "intuition" we're having a baby boy! Both of us were pretty convinced we were having a girl (I think Trevor is still in a bit of shock), but we're equally thrilled to be having a baby BOY!

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures from the ultrasound. Handsome already, no? Sorry ladies, our two year old friend has dibs.
Looks at those little footsies!
Well, I suppose this one doesn't really need a caption, other than "I'm a boy!"


teabarnes said...

Yay for baby boys!! I am so excited for you. He looks JUST like Trev. I bet he will love apple pie!!

Heidi said...

love this post :D i had no idea what that last scan was showing, but if its supposed to say, i'm a boy!, then aweeeeesome!!!

Julie said...

Trudi- I'm sure he will love apple pie...especially yours because it's delicious!! mmmm....

Heidi- The last picture took me a while to figure out too....if you really want to know I can send you a pic with an arrow :)

Photo So Bello said...

Congratulations on a BOY. I hear they're great. However, I DID have a lot of cute pink things I could have handed down... ;)

(p.s. The "word verification" thing it makes you do to post a comment is "mon cheri." How fitting!)